Food and agriculture is at the core of who we are. Our evolution as a species can be traced through our progress in evolving are growing, cooking and eating practices. For much of the human experience, we had to be tied closely to the production of our food. 80% used to be involved to some degree in the production of food getting to our plate. It is only in the last few hundred years, but particularly the last 80 or so that we have become disconnected in a real way.
Technology afforded us the ability to grow more for less and with less labor. A new food policy meant cheaper prices and more access. Less time in the fields meant more time for everything else. As farming became more industrialized we collectively took a sigh of relief and turned our attention elsewhere.
We now realize that letting technology and the idea of production over quality might be one of the worst mistakes we’ve ever made. When we turned farming into a machine we -in essence- disconnected ourselves from the land and life force we all need to thrive. We became unhealthy, overweight and addicted. We decided food was no longer a priority and have paid a hefty price.
It is through research, data and historical perspective that we can trace the decline in prioritization of food in our daily lives to environmental degradation, community fractions, and the onslaught of diseases and health related issues (sharp rise in cancer, autoimmune diseases, obesity, addiction etc).
Thankfully, we have the ability and the knowledge to reverse these trends by the grace of nature, and understanding natural systems. Nature has the power to heal and to regenerate if provided the opportunity. This is where the concept of a regenerative food system comes into play to reverse the current trends and get us back to our roots.
Mankind has tried to outsmart nature, yet we've come up short each time; why not take the perfected system and model our businesses and industries from it? In natural systems everything is interconnected and feedback loops ensure nothing is wasted. Business and industries, can and must mimic natural systems design in order to see a regenerative future.
Critical to the success is to ensure that our systems approach is designed locally. While the principles of a regenerative food system can be applied to any region of the work, success will rely upon making the system hyper local. We must start to get more creative with what is locally available and treat imported goods as luxuries.
While we aren’t looking to shut out imports, we believe that 90% of goods should come from our local communities. This is to the benefit of all. Due to the complexities of global trade and the impacts of both tariffs and subsidies, the game is rigged against local producers and communities. Our global trade system relies on unsustainable, barbaric and inhumane practices that provide consumers the opportunity to purchase food priced well below the actual cost. Currently it’s cheaper to buy a zucchini from California, than a locally grown Michigan squash. This shouldn’t be the case. This comes at the expense of our own local economies as well. If we were actually paying for the true costs of goods, locally grown goods that most refuse to pay the “high price tag” on, would actually be more affordable.
It’s imperative moving forward to understand the footprint and costs associated with the global economy. The argument against local is based on the notion of profit loss for large corporations. Because the truth is, is that everyone else prospers as we start to flip the model back toward local.
From a health perspective, a healthy gut is central to a healthy body, mind and soul. Most recently, our gut has been referred to as “our second mind”. Our gut is filled with receptors that are constantly communicating with our brain. It is from our gut that we set the stage for a healthy or diseased system.
Our biology is strikingly similar to the composition of soil. And while we still know more about outer space than the soil beneath our feet, growing research now tells us that healthy soil is at the heart of our health. Our body needs a certain amount of nutrients that we get by eating to thrive. A healthy soil is teeming with nutrients; if we consume foods from healthy soil we are quite literally our own doctor. There is no more effective prescription for human health than eating foods grown in nutrient dense soil.
Due to a variety of issues, our soil health has been eradicated. Nearly all of our food is grown in nutrient deficient soil. So every time we eat, our bodies are looking for a certain amount and variety of nutrients, and increasingly isn’t finding them. Regardless of your diet, you are impacted by poor soil health. Whether it’s the animals you eat that have eaten nutrient deficient grains, or kale grown in soil that was depleted of nutrients years ago, soil health is a crisis that knows no bounds.
This had led to a health care epidemic unlike any we've seen. From addiction, to obesity and cancer, our bodies are in a rapid state of decline. The concept of treating and healing our bodies from nutrition is an age old concept that has been overridden by a false sense of convenience and marketing. And unfortunately, our environmental is no better off as a result.
When we eat nutrient dense food that was grown in rich soil, and picked close to consumption time, our bodies get satiated quicker and we don’t feel the need to overeat. This is because we had fed our bodies with the nutrients it needs to thrive. We can actually eat less, and be more full, satiated and healthier than ever before. This understanding and approach is at the heart of Planted Cuisine. The food we prepare and serve you will be beautiful, flavorful and healing.
I want to take the lead as a business to operate from a regenerative food systems perspective, that will inspire others in our field to join us; the ultimate goal is to shift our entire industry (food, agriculture and service industries) into a regenerative food system model that creates a healthy environment for the future.
Currently, my immediate goal is to source 85% of all goods we use from the local area. My ultimate goal is to be 95% local goods, 5% imported (goods such as coffee, some spices and oils). At all times, I seek to have a net positive impact on everyone & everything I interact with as a business. From paying living wages, to community education and outreach to offsetting our environmental footprint.
I seek to push boundaries. By working with me, I will actively support you in making more conscious and healthier choices. To inspire you to think more critically about food and how our everyday choices impacts an entire system.
I love food, I love what food brings out in people and the conversation that flows when surrounded by conscious food. It’s always my intention to share this passion with clients and to show you what food can do in your life and community. How it can transform & uplift you and those in your company. The act of cooking and sharing food is core to who we are.
Our species has evolved because we can work with food like no one else in the known universe. Over the last two generations (in particular), we have fallen out of love for this very sacred and important part of our lives, and we’re here to encourage and inspire you to help us shift that notion.
Prioritizing food...the act of growing, preparing, serving and eating, that is the beginning of our journey to a regenerative future.
At the end of any experience or interaction with Planted Cuisine and myself, it is my hope that you come away inspired. Inspired to prioritize food, your connection to nature and a soul level desire in your mind, body and spirit to help bring change to our food system.
A sincere depth of a gratitude for reading more about my philosophy and approach to food. If you have any questions, it would be my pleasure to converse and engage.
In gratitude,
Chef Loghan
““It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.””